HydroMetEC- Hydrometallurgy in Raw Materials Utilization
Keywords: hydrometallurgy, course, learning
HydroMetEC is an annual learning event focused on contemporary Hydrometallurgical processes and technologies, organized under the auspices of EIT Raw Materials and supported by leading universities (Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, Technical University of Delft, National Technical University of Athens, Aalto University, Lulea University of Technology) and renowned companies with international impact (Metso Outotec, New Boliden, MYTILINEOS, MONOLITHOS Catalysts & Recycling Ltd.). Each year, the course takes place at different locations, with updated content.
Our role
TeSMet group was the co-organizer of HydroMetEC 2022 held in Athens in collaboration with MYTILINEOS S.A. and MONOLITHOS Catalysts & Recycling Ltd. The event offered guided visits at research laboratories and industrial facilities as well as lectures from top experts on critical aspects of contemporary Hydrometallurgy, from the main hydrometallurgical processes and techniques that are applied today to address industrial needs, to the latest research trends in the field of critical raw materials extraction and secondary metallurgy.
From January 2021 to December 2022.