Analytical services
Chemical and molecular analysis
Chemical and molecular analysis is an integral part of any metallurgical research activity. As a result, we have developed expertise in most analytical techniques and procedures and offer high-quality chemical analytical services.
For destructive and non-destructive quantitative elemental analysis of liquid or solid samples we implement:
- Atomic Absorption spectroscopy
- Inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy
- Flame Photometry
- X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
For the molecular analysis of solid and liquid samples we perform:
- IR-FTIR spectroscopy
- X-ray diffraction TOPAS analysis
- Raman and Microraman spectroscopy
For the conduction of chemical and molecular analysis, our laboratory is equipped with the following analytical instruments:
- Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 900T Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
- Perkin Elmer Optima™ 8000 ICP-OES Inductively coupled plasma spectrometer
- Perkin Elmer NexION 1000 ICP Mass Spectrometer
- BWB XP Flame Photometer
- SPECTRO XEPOS X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
- Perkin Elmer Spectrum™ 100 Optica IR-FTIR Spectrometer
- Rigaku MiniFlex benchtop XRD

Materials characterization
Measurement of physical properties is often the most important indicator of success of a metallurgical process.
Our analytical team has experience in a wide variety of techniques dedicated to the quantification of several physical processes.
We execute:
- Wet and dry particle size distribution analysis
- Qualitative and quantitative phase analysis of poly-crystalline materials
- Density measurement of solid samples
- Analysis of topography, morphology and microstructure of materials
- Study of thermal stability, thermal decomposition, phase transitions, melting points, enthalpy changes and heat capacities of solid samples
We provide these services by means of the following equipment:
- HORIBA LA-960V2 Laser Particle Analyzer
- Rigaku MiniFlex benchtop XRD
- Quantachrome Model SPY-D160E Stereopycnometer
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM Jeol6380LV)
- Transmission Electron Microscope (ΤEM Jeol 2100 HR, 200kV)
- Thermogravimetric analyzer
- Thermogravimeter-Differential thermal analyzer (SETARAM Labsys™ TG- DTA/DSC)