ENEXAL - Novel technologies for enhanced energy and exergy efficiencies in primary aluminium production industry
Keywords: carbothermic reduction, EAF, solar furnace, red mud, alumina
ENEXAL project will demonstrate three novel technologies for the improvement of the primary aluminium production industry:
- The high temperature carbothermic reduction of alumina in an electric arc furnace (EAF),
- The moderate temperature carbothermic reduction of alumina in a novel solar furnace
- The red mud treatment in an innovative EAF, which will allow the total conversion of the red mud waste of the Bayer Process into valuable products.
All technologies, after laboratory optimizations, will be demonstrated in pilot scale and their products will be evaluated by appropriate industrial end-users.
Our role
TeSMet developed the red mud treatment technology in an EAF (lab scale and semi-industrial pilot scale) as well as co-developed the high temperature carbothermic reduction of alumina with RWTH-Aachen.
From 2010 to 2014.
Website: http://www.labmet.ntua.gr/enexal/