HAlMan - Sustainable Hydrogen and Aluminothermic Reduction Process for Manganese, its alloys and Critical Raw Materials Production
Keywords: manganese, Mn alloys, hydrogen, zero solid wastes, waste valorization
HAlMan project aims to become a game changer in the metallurgical industry in Europe, as it will develop and demonstrate an integrated sustainable process to produce manganese (Mn) and Mn alloys from Mn ores and Mn-containing waste by using hydrogen and secondary aluminium sources as reductants. This unique sustainable process has low carbon footprint, low energy consumption, no solid waste generation and it valorizes secondary raw materials from the mining and metallurgical industries.
Our role
TeSMet has an active and crucial role in HAlMan, being responsible for the production of alumina from secondary sources, the recovery of CRMs and Ca from by-products as well as the production of commercial Al-Mn alloys and the analysis of primary and secondary raw materials or any materials produced from the optimization and pilot campaigns.
From January 2023 to December 2026.
Website: https://halman-project.eu/
LinkedIn: HAlMan