Margi Tsaousi

Senior Researcher/ Financial Manager

I am Margi Tsaousi and I am a PostDoc researcher in the school of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. I graduated from the National Technical University of Athens in 2010, where I performed my PhD in the field of Industrial waste exploitation for the development of insulating geopolymer foams. Since now, I have participated in several European projects related to materials science and hydrometallurgical processes.  Currently, I also hold the position of financial manager in our team, obtaining a more realistic approach of the laboratory work, where numbers, ideas and experiments create a project. My research interests include hydrometallurgical processing of primary and secondary raw materials and industrial waste valorization for energy efficient buildings applications.

Being a member of the Technologies for Sustainable Metallurgy group for the last 12 years has been a challenge for me, trying to optimize my skills with daily practice and at the same time exploring new paths in research and management routes. Finally, working all these years in this team, I have learned to appreciate the high qualified people but mostly I have learned to appreciate people who try to do the best by heart, no matter what!