Dimitris Sparis
Supervising Researcher / Pyrometallurgical Processes
I am Dimitris Sparis and I received my Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Diploma in 2011 from the National Technical University of Athens. My initial research interests focused on nanomaterial preparation for water treatment and soil remediation. However, I realized that I wanted to change my field of expertise and concentrate on Metallurgy. That is why I am studying for a PhD in Metallurgy focusing on iron recovery from bauxite residue. At the same time, as a researcher in NTUA for the last 10 years, I have been part of other projects as well that include soil and water remediation, risk assessment of hazardous waste, minerals processing and mainly optimization of metallurgical procedures.
Working, within the TeSMet group for the last years has helped me amplify my knowledge in the raw materials and metallurgical sector as well as an exceptional opportunity for exchanging experience with professionals from all around the world. I believe that creating new technologies, that can affect the cost and the quality of raw materials, is one of the most important areas of innovation in the 21st century.