
The research group, under the leadership of Prof. Panias, has been producing innovative research results for more than three decades. We are proud of our contributions to the field of sustainable metallurgy and remain committed to sharing our expertise with the wider scientific community.

Explore our team’s published work and the full body of scientific publications made by Prof. Panias, in his career as a member of the Laboratory of Metallurgy of NTUA.


239 entries « 5 of 5 »


Papandreou, A.; Stournaras, K.; Panias, D.

New non-conventional sorbents from fired coal fly ash Conference

1st International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology, AMIREG 2004, , Hania, Crete, Greece, 2004.

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Krestou, A.; Panias, D.

Use of Microwave Energy in Metallurgy Conference

1st International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology, AMIREG 2004, , Hania, Crete, Greece, 2004.

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Panias, D.; Giannopoulou, I.

Geopolymers: a new generation of inorganic polymeric novel materials Conference

1st International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology, AMIREG 2004, , Hania, Crete, Greece, 2004.

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Krestou, A.; Xenidis, A.; Panias, D.

Mechanism of aqueous uranium (VI) uptake by hydroxyapatite Journal Article

In: Minerals Engineering, vol. 17, iss. 3, 2004.

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Krestou, A.; Panias, D.

Uranium (VI) Speciation Diagrams in the UO22+/CO32-/H2O system at 25oC Journal Article

In: The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, vol. 4, no. 2, 2004.

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Krestou, A.; Xenidis, A.; Panias, D.

Mechanism of aqueous uranium (VI) uptake by natural zeolitic tuff Journal Article

In: Minerals Engineering, vol. 16, iss. 12, 2003.

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Giannopoulou, I.; Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Copper recovery from spent ammoniacal etching solutions Conference

European Metallurgical Conference 2003, Hannover, Germany,, vol. 3, 2003.

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Skoufadis, C.; Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Theoretical determination of electrochemical properties of boehmite-water interface, as a tool for understanding the mechanism of boehmite precipitation Conference

European Metallurgical Conference 2003, Hannover, Germany, vol. 1, 2003.

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Skoufadis, C.; Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Kinetics of boehmite precipitation from supersaturated sodium aluminate solutions Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 68, 2003.

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Krestou, A.; Panias, D.; Xenidis, A.; Paspaliaris, I.

Uranium (VI) removal from aqueous solutions using natural zeolite Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production, Calgiari, Sardinia, Italy, , 2002.

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Panias, D.; Giannopoulou, I.; Paspaliaris, I.

Copper electrowinnining from the ammoniacal etching effluents of printed circuit boards industry Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production, , Calgiari, Sardinia, Italy, 2002.

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Christodoulou, E.; Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

UV-assisted oxidation of simulated industrial effluents with a high oxalates concentration in the presence of hydrogen peroxide Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production, , Calgiari, Sardinia, Italy, 2002.

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Christodoulou, E.; Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Photochemical Treatment of Aqueous Effluent Streams with a high oxalates concentration Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the TMS Fall 2002 Extraction and Processing Division Meeting, , Lulea, Sweden, 2002.

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Giannopoulou, I.; Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Electrochemical Recovery of Copper from Spent Alkaline Etching Solutions Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the TMS Fall 2002 Extraction and Processing Division Meeting, , Lulea, Sweden , 2002.

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Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Boehmite Process-A new approach in alumina production Journal Article

In: Erzmetall, vol. 56, no. 2, 2002.

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Panias, D.; Skoufadis, C.; Paspaliaris, I.

Boehmite Process: An Innovative variation of the Bayer Process Conference

European Metallurgical Conference 2001, Friedrichschaffen, Germany, vol. 2, 2001.

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Panias, D.; Xenidis, A.; Christodoulou, E.; Paspaliaris, I.

Metallurgical Solid Wastes: Legislation, Characterization and Management Conference

Wastes From and For the Metallurgy 2001 Varna, Bulgaria, 2001.

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Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.; Amanatidis, A.; Schmidt, H. W.; Hollnagel, A.

Boehmite Process: An Alternative technology in alumina production Proceedings Article

In: Light Metals 2001, New Orleans, USA, 2001.

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Chammas, E.; Panias, D.; Taxiarchou, M.; Anastasakis, G. N.; Paspaliaris, I.

Removal of iron and other major impurities from silica sand for the production of high added value materials Conference

IX Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Instabul , 2001.

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Christodoulou, E.; Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Calculated Solubility of Trivalent Iron and Aluminum in Oxalic Acid Solutions at 25oC Journal Article

In: Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, vol. 40, no. 4, 2001.

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Panias, D.; Asimidis, P.; Paspaliaris, I.

Solubility of boehmite in concentrated sodium hydroxide solutions. Model Development and Assessment Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 59, iss. 1, 2001.

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Paspaliaris, I.; Panias, D.; Skoufadis, C.

Precipitation and calcination of monohydrate alumina from the Bayer process liquors Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the fourth annual workshop Eurothen 2001, Stockholm, Sweden, 2000.

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Paspaliaris, I.; Panias, D.; Amanatidis, A.; Mordini, J.; Werner, D.; Panou, G.; Ballas, D.

Precipitation and calcination of monohydrate alumina from the Bayer process liquors Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the third annual workshop Eurothen 2000, Lisboa, Portugal, 2000.

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Panias, D.; Halikia, H.; Neou-Syngouna, P.

Thermodynamic investigation of arsenopyrite behaviour in oxidizing and sulphating atmosphere Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth, no. 115, 2000.

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Panias, D.

Study on Nickel losses from synthetic sulfate solutions of trivalent iron and aluminium under high temperatures and pressures Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth, no. 117, 2000.

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Panias, D.; Kokkolakis, M.; Giannopoulou, I.; Paspaliaris, I.

Speciations diagrams of copper(II) in aqueous ammoniacal solutions Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth, no. 116, 2000.

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Paspaliaris, I.; Panias, D.; Amanatidis, A.

Precipitation and calcination of monohydrate alumina from the Bayer process liquors Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the second annual workshop Eurothen ’99, Gagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 1999.

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Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Thermodynamic Determination of the Stability Area of Boehmite (γ-AlOOH) in Al2O3 - Na2O - H2O and Al2O3 - H2O systems Journal Article

In: Erzmetall, vol. 52, no. 11, 1999.

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Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Precipitation of Boehmite from the Bayer Liquors: An Innovative and Promising Route for Alumina Production Journal Article

In: TRAVAUX, vol. 26, no. 30, 1999.

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Panias, D.; Paspaliaris, I.

Precipitation of Boehmite - An Innovative Route in the Alumina Production Conference

Fortschritte in der Hydrometallurgie, Metallurgischen Seminar des Fachausschusses für Metallurgische Aus- und Weiterbildung der GDMB, Heft 82 der Schriftenreihe der GDMB Gesellshaft für Bergbau, Metallurgie, Rohstoff- und Umwelttechnik, Goslar, Germany, , 1998.

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Panias, D.

Theoretical Calculation of Water and strong Electrolytes Activities in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth, no. 108, 1998.

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Panias, D.; Peppas, A.; Kontopoulos, A.

Decontamination of Soil by Electrokinetics Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth, no. 107, 1998.

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Taxiarchou, M.; Panias, D.; Douni, I.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Dissolution of magnetite in acidic oxalate solutions Journal Article

In: Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section C, vol. 107, 1998.

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Taxiarchou, M.; Panias, D.; Douni, I.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Removal of Iron from silica sand by leaching with oxalic acid Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 46, 1997.

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Taxiarchou, M.; Panias, D.; Douni, I.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Dissolution of hematite in acidic oxalate solutions Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 44, iss. 3, 1997.

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Panias, D.; Taxiarchou, M.; Douni, I.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Dissolution of hematite in acidic oxalate solutions: the effect of ferrous ions addition Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 43, 1996.

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Panias, D.; Taxiarchou, M.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Mechanisms of dissolution of iron oxides in aqueous oxalic acid solutions Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 42, 1996.

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Panias, Dimitrios; Neou-Syngouna, P.

Chlorinated Volatilization Roasting: Decomposition of Calcium Chloride. Chlorination of Gold Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth , no. 69, 1990.

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Panias, Dimitrios; Neou-Syngouna, P.

Gold extraction from pyrite cinders by high temperature chlorination Journal Article

In: World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL , vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 41 - 44, 1990.

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239 entries « 5 of 5 »