
The research group, under the leadership of Prof. Panias, has been producing innovative research results for more than three decades. We are proud of our contributions to the field of sustainable metallurgy and remain committed to sharing our expertise with the wider scientific community.

Explore our team’s published work and the full body of scientific publications made by Prof. Panias, in his career as a member of the Laboratory of Metallurgy of NTUA.


209 entries « 5 of 5 »


Panias, D.

Theoretical Calculation of Water and strong Electrolytes Activities in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth, no. 108, 1998.

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Panias, D.; Peppas, A.; Kontopoulos, A.

Decontamination of Soil by Electrokinetics Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth, no. 107, 1998.

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Taxiarchou, M.; Panias, D.; Douni, I.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Dissolution of magnetite in acidic oxalate solutions Journal Article

In: Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section C, vol. 107, 1998.

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Taxiarchou, M.; Panias, D.; Douni, I.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Removal of Iron from silica sand by leaching with oxalic acid Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 46, 1997.

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Taxiarchou, M.; Panias, D.; Douni, I.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Dissolution of hematite in acidic oxalate solutions Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 44, iss. 3, 1997.

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Panias, D.; Taxiarchou, M.; Douni, I.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Dissolution of hematite in acidic oxalate solutions: the effect of ferrous ions addition Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 43, 1996.

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Panias, D.; Taxiarchou, M.; Paspaliaris, I.; Kontopoulos, A.

Mechanisms of dissolution of iron oxides in aqueous oxalic acid solutions Journal Article

In: Hydrometallurgy , vol. 42, 1996.

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Panias, Dimitrios; Neou-Syngouna, P.

Chlorinated Volatilization Roasting: Decomposition of Calcium Chloride. Chlorination of Gold Journal Article

In: Mineral Wealth , no. 69, 1990.

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Panias, Dimitrios; Neou-Syngouna, P.

Gold extraction from pyrite cinders by high temperature chlorination Journal Article

In: World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL , vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 41 - 44, 1990.

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