PARTIAL-PGMs - Development of novel, high Performance hybrid TWV/GPF Automotive afteR treatment systems by raTIonAL design: substitution of PGMs and Rare earth materials
Keywords: catalyst, automotive, hybrid, filters, geopolymers, PGMs, REEs
PARTIAL-PGMs proposes an integrated approach for the rational design of innovative nanostructured materials for a hybrid TWC/Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) for automotive emissions after-treatment with continuous particulates combustion also focusing on identifying and fine-tuning the parameters involved in their preparation, characterization and performance evaluation under realistic conditions. This material will be capable to meet future regulations:
- Reduction of PGMs at least 35%.
- Decrease of REEs at about 20%
Our role
Tesmet developed a novel nanostructured geopolymer as TWC (Geo-catalyst). The general research plan included:
- the production of geopolymer porous materials suitable for catalysts support based on the alkali activation of natural solid materials and/or industrial by-products rich in amorphous Al and Si and
- the incorporation of active metallic phase / catalyst (PGMs or TMs) on the optimized geo-support by the appropriate technique.
Website: https://www.partial-pgms.eu/