Elena Mikeli
My name is Elena Mikeli and I am a researcher in the laboratory of Metallurgy at National Technical University of Athens for the past three years. At my final year as an undergraduate student of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineer in 2018, I worked my thesis with the team of professor Panias in a European funded project and my research was focused on the extraction of precious metals from spent automotive catalytic converters. Since my graduation, I had the opportunity to work on different research projects with the broader goal to develop novel metallurgical processes for Scandium and Rare Earth Elements extraction. Moreover, in the May of 2021 I started my PhD on exergetic analysis of metallurgical processes.
My involvement in Technologies for Sustainable Metallurgy group has given me the opportunity to be part of the development of innovative, cutting-edge technologies in extractive metallurgy. The past three years working in TeSMET team I had the opportunity to develop and demonstrate my skills and my ideas. Last but not least, beyond my professional evolution, I am grateful for being given the opportunity to establish long-lasting relationships with people, who share similar life vision and are willing to become not just colleagues but mentors and precious companions in a daily exploration of science and human interaction.